5 steps to unify your data for connected Customer Experiences

It is not uncommon to have multiple tools scattered between different business units. Having data silos and poor data quality is the main challenge facing decision makers nowadays to deliver world-class customer experience journeys. Although decision makers continuously complain about their data fragmentation and lack of seamless integration, we still see it nowadays common between organizations due to massive generation of data on continuous basis, as well as unclear strategy for unification.

Even before the pandemic, consumers said they were more likely to buy from brands that gave them a personalized experience. With customer expectations on the rise, personalization is needed to be at each touchpoint for enhanced customer engagement. The benefit of having data unification solves many challenges leading to a holistic and accurate view of your data.

We have summed up four pillars that we believe can be of a good start for CxOs data transformation initiative, on how to approach data silos and create connected customer experiences that customers wish for:

  1. Data Strategy & Design Pillar:

The first step is to define your data strategy and design your vision across the different functions/departments in your enterprise. Starting with quick wins and put a timeline, helping you to drive maximum impact quickly.

When building your plan, take in consideration the action items that may be critical to the right build-up, like replacing your master data management, order management or your upcoming product plans.

  1. Change Management Pillar:

Change management is usually one of the last things on the priority list of CxOs although it is a key to ensure successful digital transformation across your organization.

Schedule training workshops with your teams on your strategy and continuous feedback loops on how to improve your customer experience. Helping the team to be aligned with your vision, as well as hear their perspective and getting them engaged, to understand the customer pulse towards the new strategy and its implementation.

  1. Testing & Optimization Pillar:

“Practice makes perfect” would still work in such scenario. Testing all the aspects of your segmentation criteria, your content and design is crucial to keep optimizing and improving as you go.

  1. Omni-Channel Measurement Pillar:

To provide better customer experiences, you need to be continuously measuring how your initiatives and program are doing to see where the potential improvement areas are. Standardization of data types across different systems is important, as well as clear KPIs on performance tracking, conversions, and impressions.

Return on investment is key to test how your strategy works in the market. The end goal is to demonstrate the ROI or other tangible improvements as net promoted scores (NPS) or customer engagements, depending on the use case.


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